Friday, August 15, 2008

Slice of time

A lot of misunderstandings arise from misconceptions about time.

"We will all be saved at the end of time."

"In the next kingdom, we will be blah blah blah..."

"The messiah will come."

These misunderstandings are not limited to religions. They can be about anything else:

"Someday I will be happy."

"Eventually I will get rich (so I can be happy.)"

If you go back in this blog and visit the video I posted on the nature of dimensions, including time you'll see what I mean.

Time is like a 4th dimension.

The video I just linked to talks about a theoretical creature that exists in two dimensions. Basically, a flat sheet of paper with no thickness would be its world. It can go across the paper, or up the paper, but it cannot come out of the page. The video then talks about what a three dimensional being would look like if it passed through that paper. The two-dimensional creature would only see a two-dimensional slice of the three-dimensional creature, like looking at an MRI or a CT scan, if you've ever done that. Check out some MRI or CT scans on the internet and you'll see exactly what I mean. That's how a three-dimensional creature would look to a "flat lander".

Our minds see three dimensions, but there are more than that. Time is a 4th dimension. Your whole timeline exists all at once. The whole timeline of the entire universe exists all at once. However, your mind can only see one time at a time! Your mind flows down the timeline, instant by instant, which produces a moving three-dimensional slice that you take to be your life.

Theoretically, if you could move your mind or other parts of your spiritual anatomy to other parts of this timeline, you can witness other times, although that's not such a big deal now that you think about it in this light. These are in fact the bases for time travel in the astral and mental bodies. The mind and the emotions are what witness time, and you think they are attached to your body in one particular instant. If these restrictions (which are merely based on belief) are lifted, you can look around at other spots.

However, aside from the tittilating prospects, there's a bigger message here. You are not a single moment. You are all moments. The Real You is actually a being that exists in more than 4 dimensions, but you can only get your mind to see 3. The Real You is the whole timeline. The fact that your mind only rides along a small portion of it at a time is a side effect that we deal with.

In that light, why struggle? Why beat yourself up over future times, when time is not the point at all? Why not just acknowledge that you are the whole timeline and be that knowing?

The one big argument that will always arise to this is Predestination. "If everything is already determined then... {insert rest of argument}"

No, everything is not determined. Yes, timelines are completely whole and set out. Sound contradictory? That's where the other dimensions come in, the 5th, 6th, and higher dimensions. You aren't just one timeline. You are an infinite number of timelines. Your mind can only move through one time and one timeline at a time. Your mind chooses which timeline to move down, but all timelines exist and they are all part of you. So, it's not contradictory.

Go and take some more asprin.

I will be on vacation for the next whole week! Expect some posts after August 21st.

1 comment:

Adam said...

So our minds are basically surfing dimensional waves choosing which wave to surf and in which direction.

Our consciousness is just watching the mind surf but can see all the waves.

That's the image I got when I read your last paragraph. Very interesting...