Monday, July 7, 2008

Toolbox, part 2

So, going forward here, and laying out some pieces of the illusion we think of as life...

The Outer Self (OS) is what relates to the "outside world", i.e. what "you" think of as the outside world. This is the mental voice in your head that thinks and speaks.

The OS is connected to the Inner Self (IS). The IS has been called the subconscious, and IS is really a broad term that encompasses your emotions, your ego, and other metaphysical anatomical structures, i.e. astral, etheric, id, etc. The IS and OS can talk to each other, but the problem is that most people's OS's don't listen to the IS. Their OS's ignore their IS's.

Ever see anyone who has no idea what they are feeling at any given moment? Are you able to answer that question yourself if someone asks you, "What emotions are you feeling right now?" An inability to do that is a symptom of blocked contact between the OS and IS, which is normal in all average people.

The IS is like the hub, so this is a shame. If your OS can talk to the IS, then it means your OS can indirectly talk to the Animal Self (AS) and the Divine Self (DS), which are both also connected to the IS.

Once again, the IS is conected to both the AS and the DS, and it talks to both of them readily (and it often ignores both of them readily.)

Notice something here. Your OS cannot talk to your DS. You can't "think to" God, so to speak. In order to get into contact with your DS, you need to have excellent contact between your IS and OS first. Once you do, then you can craft a message in your mind and send it to your IS and have the IS relay that message to the DS. This process is known by a few different names: prayer, meditation, and white magic.

In my experience, getting into contact with the DS can take years and years of work for the average person, because most people spend a long time simply trying to learn to get into contact with their IS's. Even more people just don't work on it at all.

That's it for today... next stop... the interrelation between IS's, OS's, and DS's among different individuals.

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